Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just awake from a nap

I am working on getting Isla to nap on her own, as opposed to napping on me. Here she is having just woken up from a nap. I love this little face so much. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Silly smile

This is the new type of smile that Isla has been working on.

She's so silly! This was right after a nap. Notice the heavy blanket...still cold in here!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's so cold!

It has been super cold lately. It seems like our heater hasn't been working as well as it should so we've been bundling up inside. Isla is usually a little furnace but even she has needed some extra warmth.

Auntie Neva got her this outfit and gave it to us when we were visiting Texas around Thanksgiving. At the time I never thought she'd fit into it! It is super warm and much needed. Mike did fix the heat, though, there was an out of sight vent that was full of dust so it's warm again, thankfully.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bath time and standing (briefly)

Isla can lean on something/grab onto something and stand for a second or two at a time. This photo was taken very carefully.

Jan 20

We waited all day for an alarm that didn't ring. I hate that thing...hoping they aren't testing today, instead. Here's some fun on the playmat!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5 months old!

My baby girl is 5 months old today. Time is really flying.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

3 outfits today

Me, not the babe. She had an outfit change, but only because we were going out and it is cold! I went through 3 shirts before noon. Here she is with an obviously remorseful look on her face. "Sorry, Mom. But I think you look better in blue."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sippy cup!

Isla tried a sippy cup today. She was so excited. She was able to get a few drops out of it but mostly just chewed. I think she was really excited that she could, for the most part, hold it on her own!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can I ever explain

How tired I am? I shouldn't be complaining. I have an awesome baby that goes to bed at 8 every night, wakes up maybe, sometimes, at 5 for a bottle and then sleeps until about 7 in the morning. Plenty of time for me to sleep. But I never seem to go to bed at a decent hour. I am sitting here typing and messing around online instead of washing bottles and getting into bed.

Coming up this week: Second look at a house we really like. If the second look is good and the payments seem decent we're going to put an offer in. The last house we liked wasn't as amazing on the second visit so I am excited, but not too much. I'm not getting my hopes up, plenty houses out there right now.

It will be nice to move out of the city. It's great in that we can walk most everywhere, lots of things to do, and its Philadelphia so there is a LOT of history around, even if I don't pay as much attention to it as I should. I never thought I'd live within a couple of blocks from the Liberty Bell but here I am. I'm looking forward to having a yard again; I miss my bird feeders.

Going to go wash those bottles now, I think.


Isla is moving up a clothes size again. Her 3-6 (I almost typed 0-3, yikes!) is getting tight and the 6-9 is just about right. This outfit is 70 in Hanna Andersson, which translates to about 5-12 months. It's a little big but we can make it work by rolling the sleeves up a bit.

House Hunting (January 15th)

We are resuming house hunting after the holidays. Yesterday we found something pretty interesting. This house has a front door with no way to get up to it. It looks like the steps have been gone for awhile.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Isla is getting better at sitting. She has the strength, but not the balance. She actually sat here for just over a minute before she started leaning forward. I think she was getting tired.

January 13

This was taken, however not posted, on January 13. I feel like we've been moving at a super speed around here and there isn't ever any time to just stop and think. Or breathe. Naps are great, though.

I missed a few days.

January 11th and 12th. I can't believe I didn't take ANYTHING. Oh well. Moving along.

Monday, January 10, 2011


We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Me, Mike, Isla and Barbara. I didn't have my camera so I used my phone tonight.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Isla's baptism was today! It was a long and a fun day. She did great and didn't cry during the ceremony at all. Here is her bonnet:

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Isla fell asleep on her own, without a swaddle. For the second night in a row. I was listening to her talk to herself before she fell asleep.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Feeling good, looking good!

We had a good day today. It snowed a little but not so much as to be annoying. Here is Isla looking cute in her little vest!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Grandma's in town

My picture today is of Isla and her Grandma. She's in town for the baptism on Sunday. She was singing "Michael Row the Boat Ashore" here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I've been so sick. And tired.

I really thought I was getting better. I felt GREAT for one day and now I'm back to feeling horrible. Well, not HORRIBLE I suppose but pretty bad. I can't stop coughing. I think that January will be The Month of Coughing™.


Life is bringing my baby girl lots of new things to chomp on. Example: Daddy's finger.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My wonderful family

My amazing husband, my beautiful daughter, and some gassy dillhole of a dog!

Monday, January 3, 2011


I never really cared much for headbands on girls, until recently. Check this one out!
So pretty! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2nd

First ride in the umbrella stroller!

365 day photo challenge

I should have posted this yesterday. I got in bed last night at 11:30 and remembered that I hadn't uploaded my picture for the day. Oh well, I'm doing it first thing this morning instead.

Here we are, starting the year off right by eating our books:

Hippos Go Berserk! is a great book for eating, reading, or throwing! :)